Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swim Classes

Desi started parent and me swim classes today. She is a fast study! Here we are swimming.

Actually, mommy is the one who needed the lessons. After the instructor taught me not to hesitate when I dunk Desi (which allowed Desi to take two breaths as she's going into the water and gives her time to suck down a gallon of water), there was no more choking and Desi was all smiles.

Here's Desi coming up from a "fall" into the water.

The sing humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall!

In addition to "falling" into the pool and turning and swimming to the wall, we practiced "walking" along the edge, floating on our backs, and sliding down the slide into the water. We had a great time! It's daddy's turn next week. :)

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