Tuesday, March 31, 2009

10 Months Old

Desi turned 10 months old yesterday. As I was putting her to sleep tonight I was thinking about how it was just the other day that I had a little baby who used to make the cutest sucking noises when she was nursing and now I have a 10 month old who "sings" with me and pats my back as I sing and pat her to sleep.

We're looking forward to all the new memories in the years and years to come!

Here are some pictures of the 10 month old from yesterday.

Notice her first "war scar" under her left eye. Ah, the joys of cousins and play time. Hopefully, next time Desi will duck. : )

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Times

It's always fun to play when you get out of the tub. It's even better when it's with Daddy and Mommy!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March Update

Before the month ends, I need to update everyone on Desi's milestones. First, she got her second tooth a couple of weeks ago. Then Desi mastered waiving bye-bye. You have to come back a lot of the time to actually see it because she doesn't realize that you are actually going bye-bye until you are gone. Desi also started clapping. A "clap hands" is all it takes and she's off to the races. On to the pulling the heart strings: last week Desi put Dada and Colin together. Now it's non-stop dada, dada, dada! And Colin's eating it up. Finally, just this past week Desi started letting go and "standing" on her own for a few seconds here and there. Time to start charging up that video camera for the first steps!

Desi will be 10 months next week. Unbelievable. Keep your eyes and ears open for the birthday party!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting Ready for Beach Weather

We had to try on and take pictures of the bikinis Desi had before she outgrew them without a chance to use them. Here's our super model strutting her stuff!

I will note that these are not GungGung approved attire. He was not very happy! :)

A visit from Nana, Melissa, Liann and Airee

Nana, Melissa, Liann and Airee stopped by to drop off a cherry blossom outfit for Desi. My baby shower theme was cherry blossoms. They bought one for Airee too.

Here they are...

And then the fun began.

Desi's first trip to the park

We went to Coral Reef park for Aiden Kong's 5th birthday in February. It was Desi's first trip to the park. It looked like it was long over due. She had a blast.

It wouldn't be a party without Airee.

Even the "adults" got into the fun.

And we had to take the mother-daughter shots.

And who could forget nana?

We have to plan another trip soon.

Chinese New Years Festival

On February 8, 2009, the new generation was introduced to the Chinese New Year Festival. The Casey family has been running the drink booths for the Chinese Cultural Association for years. This year, it was just a bigger family affair.

We have to start the morning off right with some serious sugar!
We got the girls set up in the "playpen".
The festival in full swing.
Everyone is wearing their Chinese outfits.
The traditional Dragon Dance.

February 2009

Wow... February has gotten away from me. Things have been good on the home front. Mary, the new live-in nanny, has been working out well. She had Desi are now physically attached I think. Desi continues to grow and learn and amaze us each day. Here are a few pictures of Desi hanging around and eating (her new favorite thing to do) during February.

I know this is wrong, but it was cold and we had to make due!

See, she's still happy!

Out for lunch at Rodbenders. Yes, that's a straw she's chewing on. When in Rome...
