Monday, March 23, 2009

March Update

Before the month ends, I need to update everyone on Desi's milestones. First, she got her second tooth a couple of weeks ago. Then Desi mastered waiving bye-bye. You have to come back a lot of the time to actually see it because she doesn't realize that you are actually going bye-bye until you are gone. Desi also started clapping. A "clap hands" is all it takes and she's off to the races. On to the pulling the heart strings: last week Desi put Dada and Colin together. Now it's non-stop dada, dada, dada! And Colin's eating it up. Finally, just this past week Desi started letting go and "standing" on her own for a few seconds here and there. Time to start charging up that video camera for the first steps!

Desi will be 10 months next week. Unbelievable. Keep your eyes and ears open for the birthday party!

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