Monday, April 27, 2009

What a weekend!

We had a non-stop weekend, but Desi had some good "firsts" so here goes...

1. Not a first, but a more frequent... Desi is starting to stand up on her own more often and for longer periods of time. I feel a first step coming soon.

2. And speaking of that first step, we went to Nordstrom's with Nana and GungGung to buy Desi her first pair of shoes on Saturday. They are so soft and nice. SeeKaiRuns. Nana wants a pair too.

3. Desi made her first sign this weekend. MILK. What else?! I've been signing to her for a few months now, but it looks like she's just starting to respond to them and trying to mimic them.

3. Desi is starting to "talk" up a storm. She tries to repeat everything we say. A real parrot. Eye. Ear. Airee. Nana. Fish. Water. Meow. Duck. Baby. Pretty.

4. Understanding what we say. Every day Desi shows more and more that she knows exactly what we mean. Whenever we ask her if she's strong, she makes her hands into fists, pumps them in the air and squeezes up her face. Today Mary said "Pretty Desi. Say Pretty." After repeating pretty, she looked down at her clothes and started pointing at all of the butterflies on her shorts and shirt. Amazing!

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