On June 19th, we discovered ticks in the house. We had trimmed an avocado tree which apparently had a colony of ticks living in it. They infested the dog (my mother-in-law's dog) and started coming into the house (the dog sits by the sliding glass doors). New parent anxiety swept in and Desi and I were off to my parent's house. We were there for about 10 days. I slept on an air matress and Desi slept on top of me. Colin stayed home to take care of things. Although we missed Daddy, we had a great time!
Move over Airee... the new princess has arrived!

The Casey girls...
I moved the air matress to the living room. It as more comfortable to breastfeed on a couch then the floor in the room.
Auntie Liann helped babysit.

Desi slept in Nana and GungGung's bed.
And played with everyone.
She found her fingers!

Desi took baths by the kitchen sink.

We hung out with Nana.
And we even went to a church outing.

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