Monday, September 28, 2009

ABC's and 123's

Desi has been a chatter box for a while now, but she's really made progress this month. She is now singing her ABC's and she can actually say most of the letters clearly. She has also started counting to 10. She mumbles 5, 6, 7, but ends with a solid 8, 9, 10, YEAAA! I have to get this stuff on video and figure out how to post it.

She continues to enhance her vocabulary daily. After learning Ice, Ice, Baby from Uncle Ray (Kristen's dad), she has moved on to TOUCHDOWN with both hands in the air for football season. I've got to hurry up and teach her Pumpkin and Santa before the seasons get away from me.

As far as names go, she knows everyone and is even saying Danielle, Colin, and Melissa clearly. But she refuses to say Kieran. She loves her inside joke with her Uncle Kieran, calling him Peata, Peata, Peata. It's too cute.

Desi just started Music Together classes last week and has already taken to the songs and hand movements. I'm looking forward to seeing her enjoy that time with Grandma Kay.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Working with Dada

A couple weeks ago, Desi and I were luckly enough to spend the day with Colin at his office. Desi enjoyed playing with all the new furniture. Now all she has to do is sell something!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Dynamic Duo - Back Together Again

Airee and Melissa finally came home last week. Everyone was very happy to have them back. Especially Desi. There is no stopping these girls now!

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